
The ideal food source for hummingbirds is nectar from live flowers because it naturally meets their nutritional needs; however, a feeder with perches is a boon for the hummingbirds because they will expend less energy to feed and they are provided a place to rest while refueling. Feeders come in a variety of styles and sizes. Be kind to hummingbirds (and yourself), and choose a feeder that is easy to clean and maintain since bacteria and fungi grow in sugar water that is not changed on a regular basis.

Mix sugar water by combining one part white cane sugar to four parts boiling water [or whatever fraction is just enough to fill your feeder(s)]. Make sure to allow the sugar solution to cool before offering it to the birds and please use only cane sugar, no red dye, honey, raw sugar or sugar substitutes.

In addition to consuming nectar, hummingbirds rely on small insects for a balanced diet.  Hummingbirds also rely on spider webbing to construct their nests.


Do not apply pesticides to the plants in your hummingbird garden. Pesticides contain toxins that can harm the hummingbirds and kill the tiny, protein-rich insects that hummingbirds eat by the thousands for protein.